Talent does then it feels. Genius does as it feels.

SGHA / SLA koolitus

Standard Ground Handling / Service Level Agreements koolitus

See kursus annab ülevaate IATA SGHA 2013. ja 2018. aasta versiooni õiguslikust raamistikust. Oma eluliste näidete abil õpetame mõistma operatiivset töökeskkonda, et paremini tunnetada lepinguliste kohustuste mõju lennuettevõtte tegevusele. Samuti loome seosed teenusetasemelepingute (SLA) ja maapealsete teenuste lepingutega (SGHA).


Standard Ground Handling / Service Level Agreements training

This course provides an overview of the legal framework for the 2013 and 2018 versions of the IATA SGHA. With the help of our real-life examples, we teach to understand the operational work environment in order to better understand the impact of contractual obligations on the airline’s operations. We also build relationships with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Ground Services Agreements (SGHAs).

Järgmised koolitused / Scheduled trainings